Wednesday 14 February 2018

Joyeuse Saint-Valentin!!!

The morning class making their special Valentine crowns.

Everyone is eagerly awaiting their turn to play this special game on the SMARTboard.  We were practicing the following sentence structures "J'aime" (I like)  les bananes  (bananas) and "Je n'aime pas" (I don't like) les raisins (grapes).

The boys and girls had to listen very carefully to find the correct image.

Le groupe 3.

Le groupe 4.

Le groupe 1.

Le groupe 2.

The morning class played Valentine bingo.  The afternoon class will have a chance to play tomorrow because we had Music today, so our time in the kindergarten room was shorter.

Both classes played Roll a Valentine.

We also played Valentine Tic-Tac-Toc.

The afternoon class decorating their special Valentine crowns.

Le groupe 3.

Le groupe 4.

Le groupe 1.

Le groupe 2.

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