Friday 24 November 2017

This Week in Kindergarten!

We practiced printing the very tricky number 2.

We also worked in our letter booklets.

Reviewing vocabulary for Thursday and Friday's Celebration of Learning.

The boys and girls always enjoy exploring different tools and ways to make letters.

We are learning that letters are made of lines and curves and also that when we start to print an upper-case letter letter we always start at the top.

Playing with the linking chains.

Dressing up the magnetic people.

Counting and making sets with our Math manipulatives.

The marble maze is still a very popular centre.

Having fun in the house area.

Buying our groceries for lunch.

Sharing books with friends.

The afternoon class playing together.
Enjoying some quiet time at the book centre.

The boys and girls continue to enjoy the Lego centre.

Making sets that are the same as(pareil que), less than (moins que) and more than (plus que).

Practicing for our Celebration of Learning/Portfolio sharing.  The boys and girls sang the alphabet song at one of the stations.

They also had to place the numbered cups in order from the smallest to the biggest.  The next step was to ask Mom or Dad to close their eyes while they hid an apple under one of the cups.  The parents had to name and guess under which cup the apple was hidden.

Sorting according to colours on the SMARTboard.

Extending patterns and creating our own patterns with pine cones and rocks.

Building with the tree pieces at the end of the week.

Thank you so much to all of the kindergarten families who came out to support their children during this term's Celebration of Learning.  I am sure that you are very proud of all the progress that they have made since September.

Mme Godin

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