Friday, 25 September 2020

This Week in Kindergarten!


We started off the new week by decorating the first letter of our names.

The boys and girls used stickers, feathers, sequins, etc. in order to make their letters beautiful.

All of the boys and girls did a great job.  There are still a few letters not up on the bulletin board as some of the students missed school that day so we are trying to find the time to catch them up on this fun activity.

We continue to learn each other's name.  Everyone's photo is on the whiteboard along with their names.  We also continue to use the slideshow on my SMARTboard to further develop this skill.

Our red dot Qtip names are hung up in the classroom.

Learning new French words.

Together we name the item and then the child clicks on the picture to see if there is a yellow square hiding behind it.

This week we colored "les carrés” squares.

Trying so hard to color neatly inside the lines.

We started to practice our blue poem.

The children listened to a special song to celebrate the first day of fall! We also started to discuss the changes we are noticing outside during this new season.

Mme Godin has pushed our tables towards the back of the room so that we can safely sit together as a group on the floor. There are pieces of yellow tape on the floor to remind the students to keep apart.

More subitizing games on the SMARTboard.

Tracing the numbers from 1 to 5 and placing the correct amount of stickers on each finger.

Tracing and forming curves.

The morning class' letters.

The afternoon class' letters.

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