Friday, 18 September 2020

This Week in Kindergarten!

We started off the week tracing horizontal lines.

We have been learning all about the colour "rouge".  The boys and girls painted red dots over the letters in their names.
Les petits cercles rouges (little red dots).

We practiced reciting a poem called "Rouge".  The students had to colour the apple, tomato and cheeks red.  They also had to cut the letters that make up the word rouge and glue them on top of the matching letters.  The last part of the activity was to make a construction paper apple (la pomme).

Because of social distancing we are learning our friends' names on the SMARTboard.  We say "Bonjour" to our friends every morning.

Practicing to name the colours in French.  Each child has their own tennis ball when it is their turn to use the SMARTboard.

Playing with the toy garage.

We continued to explore the toys in the classroom.

Building with the small Lego.

Preparing meals in the kitchen area.

Some more Lego creations.

These little girls made a dog and a bird with the large lego.

Practicing to make lines and curves on our whiteboards.

The boys and girls ended the week tracing curves and colouring a rainbow in their booklets.

The afternoon class practicing to print lines and curves.

And just like that another week in kindergarten is over!

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