Monday, 31 October 2016

Happy Halloween!

Joyeuse Halloween!  The boys and girls had a great Halloween party today.
Throwing cotton ball spiders on the spider web.
Throwing balls in the numbered jack'o'lanterns.
Tic-tac-toe with white and orange pumpkins.
Throwing hoops on the witches' hats.
Throwing mice in the cauldron.
Bowling ghosts.
Halloween bingo.
Halloween yoga with Monsieur Vallée.
A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR FRIENDS FROM GRADE 5 WHO HELPED WITH THE GAMES AT OUR PARTY TODAY!!!  The rest of the photos are of the children enjoying their day!!!

Happy Halloween to all of my kindergarten students and their families.  Please remember to continue sending healthy foods for snack time.  No suckers, chocolate or candy please! 

Mme Godin


I found these articles of clothing on the classroom floor this morning.  I asked the students several times who they belonged to and no one claimed them.  I know that they belong to someone in the morning class as they were not on the floor when I got to school this morning.  Please let me know if you recognize any of the above items and I will put them in your child's backpack.

Mme Godin

Friday, 28 October 2016

Important Dates!

*image found at

Monday, October 31st:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Tuesday, November 1st:  Music for the afternoon class.
Early dismissal at 2:45 p.m.

Wednesday, November 2nd:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!

Thursday, November 3rd:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Friday, November 4th:  Music for the morning class.

This Week in Kindergarten!

This week the boys and girls explored Halloween materials.
Adding the correct amount of eyes on the monsters.
Making patterns and sorting Halloween stickers.
Halloween puzzles.
Creating our own monsters out of playdoh.
There were lots of unique monsters in our classroom!
Mixing yellow and red paint to make a new colour - orange.  We did this on Monday and made a special art project with these papers on Friday.
Identifying numbers on the SMARTboard.
Circling the sets that had more than (plus que).
Rolling the die and sliding the correct amount of Halloween images on the SMARTboard.
Practicing our new vocabulary.  This game was called "Qui a la chauve-souris?"  (Who has the bat?)
Practicing our cutting skills.  The children had to place the jack'o'lanterns (les feux-follets) in order from the smallest (le plus petit) to the biggest (le plus grand).
We also put pumpkins in order on the SMARTboard.
Crayon rubbings of Halloween characters.
Circling the sets that had more than.
Counting from 1 to 10 and completing a dot to dot.
Making jack'o'lanterns with our orange paper.
Hard at work.
Playing the witch in the circle (La sorcière dans le cercle).
Problem solving activities.
The morning class' art work.
The afternoon class' art work.