Friday, 14 September 2018

This Week in Kindergarten!

We ALL survived our very first week of kindergarten!  What a fun and busy week we had!  We played a game to practice saying "le cercle" (circle).  The boys and girls passed the circle when the music was playing.  When the music stopped, the person with the circle held it up in the air and we all repeated "le cercle".

Group 1 decorating the first letter of their names.

Group 2.

Group 3.

And group 4.

The afternoon class also decorated the first letter of their names. This is group 3.

Group 4.

Group 1.

And group 2.

Sorting circles (les cercles) and squares.

Another variation of the circle game was to dance around the room.  When the music stops, the children stop and look at me. When I hold the circle in the air, they repeat "le cercle".

The morning class, hard at work drawing their faces and printing/copying their names.

The afternoon class did the same activity.

Finding objects in the class that are "rouge" (red).

If the object that we found was not red we did not put it in the red circle.

Painting over the letters in our names with red (rouge) paint and a Q tip.

This was a fun way to practice strengthening the muscles in our fingers.

Practicing to say our names:  "Je m'appelle..." (My name is...).

And lots of play time with our new friends.

Helping each other to put the train tracks together.

The art table.


Sandbox and dollhouse.

Playing in the house area.

Getting the table ready for dinner.

Making beautiful pictures with sparkly crayons.
The boys and girls shared with me some of their favourite things about kindergarten this week...
- playing with my friends
- creating with play-doh
- playing outside at recess
- playing with my cousins and my brother and my sister at recess
- playing with all of the toys
- singing with Mme Godin
- going to the gym with Mme Laura
- going to the library 
- learning new things
- eating my snack
- I love school!

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