Friday, 29 September 2017

Vocabulary To Practice!

Take some time over the next few weeks to practice the new French words that we are learning in class.

Important Dates!

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Monday, October 2nd:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.

Tuesday, October 3rd:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.
Early dismissal at 2:45 p. m.

Wednesday, October 4th:  The Integrated Arts for the afternoon class.
Music for the afternoon class.

Thursday, October 5th:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
The Integrated Arts for the afternoon class.

Friday, October 6th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

This Week in Kindergarten!

The boys and girls were so excited to meet Leigh-Anne Kehler this week.  She is the artist working in our school through The Integrated Arts program.
Together we wrote fall inspired stories using our imaginations.
The boys and girls are retelling the first story using their bodies.
They were trees.
I believe that the students were "leaf monsters" in this photo.
Leigh-Anne was explaining to us how to find our personal spotlight when acting.
This little boy was opening the door because the tree wanted to drink some of his hot chocolate.
More trees "les arbres".
Creating a new story with the afternoon class.  The morning class has finished their 3 sessions with Leigh-Anne and the afternoon class will meet with her again 2 more times next week.
Tracing numbers.
Adding the correct amount of stickers on each finger.
Making patterns with the boys and girls in the classroom (garçon, fille, garçon, fille...).
These 2 friends made a propeller one day.
And another group of boys made a spaceship.  They are ready to take off and explore the moon.
There are many artists in kindergarten!
Playing with the Lite Brite.
Building with the small wooden blocks.
The morning class waiting in the gym for the Terry Fox run on Thursday.
The afternoon class is all ready for the Terry Fox run.
Watching a short video presentation and song about our hero, Terry Fox.
The morning class ran with M. Charrette's kindergarten class.
The grade 3/4 class cheered us on as we made our way outside.
We had a great time with our gym teachers, Mme Perry and M. Besesi.
One more lap around the cones.
The boys and girls did a great job.
They barely slowed down.
The morning class also played banana tag.
Running with a new friend in the afternoon.
Je cours comme Terry, Terry Fox!  (Those are the words to our song).  I run like Terry, Terry Fox.
Bravo to all of the boys and girls who ran.
Thank you also for your monetary donations.  I will give you the total amount collected by the entire school next week.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Turkey Feather Family Project!

This little turkey is on the bulletin board in the hallway next to our classroom.  He is in need of feathers for Thanksgiving.

Each child received a blank turkey feather as well as an instruction sheet in their ziplock bag on Tuesday of this week.  Please get together as a family and decorate the feather using... feathers, stickers, paint, markers, crayons, glitter, ribbon, leaves, whatever you like.  BE CREATIVE!

Please return the decorated feather to school by Tuesday, October 3rd.  I will post a photo of the finished turkey on my blog for everyone to see.

Mme Godin

Friday, 22 September 2017

Orange Shirt Day!

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The staff and students at École Assiniboine are encouraged to wear an orange shirt to school on Friday, September 29th to remember those children who attended residential schools.

Terry Fox Run!

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Just a reminder that the Terry Fox Run will take place on Thursday, September 28th.  The two morning kindergarten classes will be walking/running together with the gym teachers outside during one of the morning classes.

The afternoon students will be walking/running with the rest of the school at 2:00 p.m. Please send your child to school with a labelled water bottle.

Anyone wishing to make a donation to the Terry Fox foundation may do so by sending a loonie or a toonie to school with your child by Thursday.

Mme Godin

The Integrated Arts!

*image found at

The Integrated Arts is a special program offered to all schools in the St. James Assiniboia School Division.  This term we will be welcoming Leigh-Anne Kehler, a storyteller, playwright and actor. We will be learning about trees, nature and the seasons through dramatic play.  She will be working with both the morning and afternoon kindergarten students over the next few weeks. I had the chance to work with Leigh-Anne last year and she is amazing!!!

Important Dates!

*image found at

Monday, September 25th:  The Integrated Arts for the morning class.
Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Tuesday, September 26th:  The Integrated Arts for the morning class.
The Integrated Arts for the afternoon class.
Music for the afternoon class.

Wednesday, September 27th:  Library for the morning class.
Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Thursday, September 28th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.
The two morning kindergarten classes will be running/walking for 15 minutes in the morning with the Phys. Ed. teachers.

The afternoon class will be participating in the school run at 2:00 p.m.

Friday, September 29th:  The Integrated Arts for the morning class.
Music for the morning class.
ORANGE SHIRT DAY!  The children are encouraged to wear an orange shirt to school to remember those children who attended residential schools.

This Week in Kindergarten!

The boys and girls painted red dots over the letters of their names with red paint and Q tips.  They are now hanging in our classroom.
The children also decorated the first letters of their names.  These are the afternoon class' letters.
The morning class' letters.
Colouring "les cercles rouges" the circles red.
Drawing a person.
Working in our colour booklets.  We made red apples (les pommes rouges).
We practice new words daily.  Trying to name the objects in French and clicking on the object to try and find where Mme Godin hid the square.
A memory game.
Playing math games on the carpet.
Playing a colour game called "Oh-Oh!"  The children have to try to pick all of the colour sticks before finding the Oh-Oh stick.  If we find the Oh-Oh stick we have to start all over again.
Another counting game.
Listening to new words in French.  The children have to follow the instructions given to them.
Marche- walk, cours - run, saute - jump and arrête - stop.
And as always lots of discoveries at play time.
The children are building much more complex structures this week.
This little boy wanted to learn about insects, so we read a big book together.
Creating more marble runs.
A wooden marble maze.
Fun in the house area.
The straws and connectors was this week's favourite centre.
Playing with the trains.
And a fun game of colour bingo!