Friday, 28 April 2017

Important Dates!

*image found at

Monday, May 1st:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Tuesday, May 2nd:  Music for the morning class.
Early dismissal at 2:45 p.m.

Wednesday, May 3rd:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Thursday, May 4th:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Friday, May 5th:  Music for the afternoon class.

This Week in Kindergarten!

The boys and girls were sorting objects according to the letter that they started with...a - arc-en-ciel,
b - bateau, c - canard, etc.
Practicing to print the letter P.
On Tuesday, Leigh-Anne visited us for the last time.
Both classes learned all about the animals of the Seven Teachings.
The boys and girls are baby eagles hatching from their eggs.
At the end of class, the children had the chance to choose another forest animal.  The morning class chose a moose and the afternoon class a deer.  We decided that these animals would teach us to slow down and to further develop self-control.  Au revoir, Leigh-Anne!  We will miss you!!!
Underlining words in one of our songs.
Printing the number that comes before and after 16.
As promised, this is the afternoon class making the planet earth (la terre).
The morning class' artwork.
The afternoon class' artwork.
Enjoying snack time with our friends.
Building a cabin with Lincoln Logs.
Burying our hands in the sand.
Building with foam blocks.
And once again, hard at work creating at the art table.
The children completed the last page in their number booklets.
They had to add 10 spots on the dog.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Important Dates!

*image found at

Monday, April 24th:  There is no music for the morning class today as Mme Burdeniuk is busy with the grade 3 to 5 Spring Musical.

Tuesday, April 25th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class. 
.  Most Phys. Ed. activities will take place outside or in the classrooms this week due to the Spring Musical.The Integrated Arts with Leigh-Anne Kehler for both the morning and afternoon kindergarten students.

Wednesday, April 26th:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Thursday, April 27th:  Music for the afternoon class.

Friday, April 28th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!

Thursday, 20 April 2017

This Week in Kindergarten!

This has been an incredibly short week for Mme Godin.  On Tuesday, I attended a kindergarten workshop and tomorrow is a divisional inservice.  No school for the boys and girls on Friday.  Most of the photos this week are of the two class visits, from artist Leigh-Anne Kehler.  She will come back for her last visit on April 25th.
This term's artist is Leigh-Anne Kehler, a very talented storyteller, actress and writer.
She is introducing us to "The 7 Teachings", through storytelling.  This first puppet was the wolf, who teaches us all about humility.  We all need help, no one is better than the other, we are all equal.
Each child had to find their "personal spotlight" in the class, to reenact parts of the story. Our body had to remain in the spotlight, no touching others, no touching the furniture.
After recreating the story together, the boys and girls were invited to come share in front of their classmates.  This story is about the eagle, who represents love.
These "baby eagles" are learning to fly with their mommy's help and love.
The afternoon class met the turtle, who represents truth.
Leigh-Anne taught the students some "mirroring" activities.  They had to look carefully and copy her actions.
The children were using their hands to make eagles.
Another animal we learned about was the beaver, who represents wisdom.
The children were making rain sounds to fill the river with rainwater for beaver.
The boys and girls are pretending to be moose, drinking water.
Beavers in the river.
Beavers lifting and rolling logs to build a dam.
Some more moose.
Even Mme Godin enjoyed role playing.  "Those logs were very heavy!"
During her second visit, we listened to the story of the bear, who represents courage.
A long time ago bears had very long tails.  A clever fish, told them to dig a small hole in the ice and to put their tails in the water in order to catch one hundred fish.  So the bears listened.  The children are putting their bear tails in the river.
They are so cold sitting on the icy river.
The next day, they pulled, pulled and jumped and off came their tails.  That is how the bears got short, stubby tails.
This is Sabe (Sasquatch), who represents honesty.
The children are now bison, ready to go scratch their fur on the boulder.  The bison represent respect.
The bison are running towards the boulder.
We also used our bodies to paint a picture. We had to show a part of the story using our faces, bodies and legs.
We played a few games on the SMARTboard.
The morning class had time to make the planet earth today.  The afternoon class will do theirs next week.  First step was to paint a coffee filter with blue and green markers.  We had to cover the entire filter blue and green.
Next step, was to gently spray the coffee filter with water.  I will post photos of the finished product next week.
We were very busy this week with the Integrated Arts program, as well as visits from our division's numeracy coach, Mme Page.  We still managed to have some play time.
Cooperating and creating with our friends.

Le vocabulaire du printemps!

Please take some time over the next few weeks to practice the new words from the first spring slideshow.

Mme Godin

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Important Dates!

*image  found at

Monday, April 17th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
The Integrated Arts with Leigh-Ann Kehler, a storyteller, playwright and actor.  We will be learning all about the Seven Teachings through dramatic play.  She will be working with both the morning and afternoon kindergarten students.

Tuesday, April 18th;  Library for the morning class. Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed.for the afternoon class.
Early dismissal at 2:45 p.m.
Mme Godin is attending a Welcome to Kindergarten workshop this morning and a Kindergarten numeracy workshop in the afternoon.
Mme Hustal will be the substitute teacher for the morning class and Mme Winitski the substitute teacher for the afternoon class.

Wednesday, April 19th:  Music for the afternoon class. 
We are celebrating EARTH DAY at school today.  The boys and girls are encouraged to wear something that is blue, green or brown.
The Integrated Arts for both the morning and afternoon kindergarten students.

Thursday,  April 20th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!

Friday,April 21st:  Inservice (No school!)
Teachers will be attending a day of hands on activities with  a focus on literacy, numeracy and deeper learning.

This Week in Kindergarten!

Mme Page, a numeracy coach, from our school division is spending 2 weeks with the kindergarten to grade 5 students at École Assiniboine.
Playing a game called "Oh, non, onze!" (Oh,no, eleven!)
We played a similar game, boys against the girls.
Mme Page held a card to her forehead.  We had to help her guess the number on the card by clapping our hands the correct number of times.
In Social Studies we are learning all about me and my world.
The children made Easter cards for their families.
Joyeuses Pâques!
On pink shirt day, the children had to illustrate how to be a good friend.  This little boy drew a picture of him and his friend holding hands.
A good friend plays nicely with others.
We put our pink puzzle pieces together to form a beautiful puzzle of ways to be a good friend.
An Easter song.  Les animaux de Pâques ( The Easter Animals).
Playing with lego.
Taking turns playing the bunny tower game.
Creating new colours.
Treats for sale!
Digging in the sand.
Putting plastic eggs together on the light table.