At the music station, we listened to a Voyageur story and participated by singing and playing instruments.
Monsieur Lacroix, (grade 2 teacher) set up a Voyageur museum in the library with all of his Voyageur artifacts.
The children took on the roles of Voyageur.
The boys and girls had the chance to explore all of the interesting objects.
They asked Monsieur Lacroix many interesting questions.
Voyageur blankets.
Sashes, capots, beaver hats and other articles of clothing.
A special Voyageur doll with accessories.
A replica of a Voyageur canoe.
Monsieur Lacroix let the children try his oars, "Rame, rame".
The students also played Voyageur games in the gym. Here we are flipping bannock (bean bags) into the crate with a frying pan.
Canoe races (gym mats on top of scooters).
Tug of war.
The Voyageur played many games to see who was the strongest.
At the craft station, the children made beaded bracelets.
There was also a dance station. We learned 3 new dances.
Bannock and hot chocolate station.
Toboggan races.
We had the best day!!! Hé-Ho!!!