Friday, 9 October 2020

This Week in Kindergarten!

This week was all about turkeys.

We played many Thanksgiving SMARTboard games.

The boys and girls took turns rolling the die and adding the correct amount of feathers on the turkey (le dindon).  We also practiced to name the colours of each feather in French.

The children coloured "les triangles" (triangles).

Counting sets of Thanksgiving related objects and circling the correct number.

They also rolled a die and glued the correct amount of feathers on a turkey.

Practicing our colouring skills.

I have added a recording of this poem on Seesaw.  Take some time over the long weekend to recite the poem along with Mme Godin.

Exploring 5 frames.  The boys and girls showed me numbers on the 5 frames using cubes. 

We have also been listening to the many adventures of Paul and Suzanne, which is a series of books that we use in kindergarten.  The first book is all about fall (l'automne).


Monday, 5 October 2020

Important Information!

Image found at

Please check your child's ziplock bag for information on how to report your child's absences from school. It is very important that you report your child's absences (sick, medical appointment, etc.) with the school using the School Messenger App.
All information needed to set up and use the app is on the paper that I am sending home today. The school must be notified first and foremost because if you send me an email, I may not be able to check it until lunchtime or the end of the day or I may be absent as well.
Also, in regards to eye forms that were sent home a few weeks ago. These should be signed by an optometrist and returned to the school after your child has had their eyes checked.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Mme Godin

Friday, 2 October 2020

Important Dates!

*image found at clipart

Monday, October 5th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Tuesday, October 6th:  Library for the afternoon class.
Music for the afternoon class.

Wednesday, October 7th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Thursday, October 8th:  Music for the morning class.

Friday, October 9th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.


This Week in Kindergarten!

Library classes will take place in the classroom for the time being. This is our library technician, Mme Jeanson. She explained to the students that she would be bringing books to the classroom for them to borrow once a cycle. Mme Jeanson also explained how we have to take good care of the books that we borrow and how they will be put away for a long time until someone else can borrow them.  The morning class borrowed their first books on Friday.  

During the first library class, Mme Jeanson read the book "The Library Dragon".

Hard at work printing diagonal lines.

Mme Godin read the book "Phyllis' Orange Shirt" to explain to the students why we wore orange shirts on September 30th. Ask your child if they remember why we wear orange shirts on this date.

The students could color during Play Time or bring this picture home to color. It says "Chaque enfant compte" Every Child Matters!
Mme Godin held a large playing card in front of each child's forehead. The students sitting on the floor had to show the number with their fingers and the person with the card had to guess which number it was.

Practicing our cutting skills.  The children had to cut and paste the items that belong in a backpack.

Building marble runs with the marble maze.

The magnetic shapes continue to be a popular choice during play time.

Playing in the kitchen area.

We continue to make friends at the different play areas in the room.

Everyone is engaged with all of the materials found in the bins.

This little girl built a person.

A castle and a yard.

Some students were fishing.

And some movement activities during Music class.

We ended off the week working in our colour booklets.

We were hard at work completing the colour "bleu".