Friday, 22 February 2019

Important Dates!

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Monday, February 25th:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Tuesday, February 26th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Wednesday, February 27th:  Music for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!
Mme Godin is attending a French Immersion kindergarten workshop.  Mme Dryjski will be the substitute teacher.

Thursday, February 28th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Friday, March 1st:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

This Week in Kindergarten!

This was a short week for the students and even shorter for Mme Godin who was completing her EDI surveys.  Mme was back at school just in time to celebrate le Festival du Voyageur day.  The children dressed up as Voyageur and participated in many stations located throughout the school.

Playing Voyageur bingo.

We also participated in some Voyageur games in the gym to see who was the strongest Voyageur.

The boys and girls had a great time!

Flipping pancakes.

Racing to the end without dropping the pancakes.

Canoe races.

Walking across the river and trying to keep a pancake on top of our heads without dropping it.

The afternoon class ready for Voyageur games.

The favourite game was probably the tug of war.

Who is the strongest Voyageur?

Walking carefully over the rocks to cross the river.

More canoe races.

And the pancake race.

A special Voyageur craft.

And the afternoon class' last session was a special Voyageur museum set up by Monsieur Lacroix.

Trying out "la pagaie" (oar).

A beautiful leather vest with hundreds of tiny beads.

Trying on "les capots" (coats).

"Les mocassins" et "les mitaines".

"Les raquettes" (snowshoes).

More Voyageur wearing "les capots".


The boys and girls really enjoyed looking at Voyageur Jacques and all of his accessories.
We had an AMAZING DAY!  Thank you to the parents who volunteered to help out in the classroom and in the gym!!!

And we ended off the week singing more Voyageur songs, dancing and playing a special Voyageur board game.

Voyageur vocabulary!

Please take some time over the next few weeks to practice the new Voyageur vocabulary!

Friday, 15 February 2019

Important Dates!

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Monday, February 18th:  Louis Riel Day! (no school)

Tuesday, February 19th:  Music for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!Show and Tell for both the groups 1 and 2 this week.
Early dismissal at 2:45 p.m.
EDI release time.  Mme Pegler will be the substitute teacher.

Wednesday, February 20th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
Show and Tell for both the groups 3 and 4 this week.
EDI release time.  Mme Pegler will be the substitute teacher.

Thursday, February 21st:  FESTIVAL DU VOYAGEUR DAY AT ÉCOLE ASSINIBOINE.  We will be participating in a variety of Voyageur activities throughout the day.  The boys and girls are invited to dress up as Voyageur (a checkered shirt, red toque, sash or scarf tied around the waist, a beard, etc.)

Friday, February 22nd:  Music for the afternoon class.

This Week in Kindergarten!

We started off the week working in our colour booklets.

We also practiced reciting the poem "rose".

The boys and girls made an origami flower.

We also counted how many chocolates were in each heart and recorded our answers on the paper.

A simple dot to dot.

Waiting to fill our Valentine envelopes.

The children participated at various Valentine themed centres on Wednesday (morning class) and Thursday (afternoon class).

The centres focused on literacy, numeracy and fine motor development.

We rotated through all four of the Valentine centres.

The children also used their imaginations to create at this centre.

Practicing to name the new Voyageur vocabulary.

The students practiced printing the letter J (grande ligne, petite courbe) - big line, small curve.

Pokey pin (les pique-piques) Valentine hearts to help strengthen the small muscles in our fingers.

Lower-case alphabet bingo.

Who will be the first to fill the heart shaped ice cube tray?

Scratching designs, our names, pictures, etc. on these special hearts.

Some of the students were the teachers and named the letters in French for their friends.

Hard at work using pokey pins.

Decorating hearts.

Happy Valentine's Day!  JOYEUSE SAINT VALENTIN!!! From all of us in room 12 (la salle numéro 12).

Friday, 8 February 2019

Important Dates!

*image found at

Monday, February 11th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Tuesday, February 12th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Wednesday, February 13th:  Music for the afternoon class.

Thursday, February 14th:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!

Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Friday, February 15th:  Inservice Day (no school for the boys and girls!)

This Week in Kindergarten!

Part of last week was spent exploring envelopes.  We looked at different types of envelopes and talked about their uses.

At the start of the week the boys and girls had the chance to create their own envelopes.  It was interesting to watch the children problem solve if they were not successful on their first try.

Learning all about sentences (la phrase), words (les mots) and letters (les lettres) as well as punctuation during our beginning of the day activities.

The boys and girls copied a simple sentence, trying to remember to leave a space between the words.

On Tuesday, the children decorated their Valentine envelopes.

They used hearts, stickers, doilies and ribbon.

All of the envelopes were BEAUTIFUL!

The children were very creative and are looking forward to filling up their envelopes with valentines next week.

Adding the correct amount of circles on the ten frame.
We have also been learning about primary colours (les couleurs primaires).
The boys and girls have enjoyed mixing primary colours to make new secondary colours.

We ended off the week circling the core (le motif) of a pattern as well as printing the number that comes after a given number.