Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Thursday, November 1st!

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On Thursday, November 1st, the staff at École Assiniboine will be wearing a sports related hat or jersey to school in support of the United Way.

Students are also invited to wear a jersey or a sports related t-shirt or hat to school tomorrow as well.

I have put a note in child's ziplock bag just in case this post is not published in time for you to read.

Friday, 26 October 2018

Important Dates!

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Monday, October 29th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Tuesday, October 30th:  Music for the afternoon class.

Wednesday, October 31st:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Thursday, November 1st:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Friday, November 2nd:  Music for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!

This Week in Kindergarten!

We started off the week with new Discovery Bins.  Some fun Halloween puzzles.

Halloween lacing cards.

Rolling the die and placing the correct amount of Halloween erasers in the ice cube trays.  The first player to fill up his/her tray was the winner.

Creating pictures using Halloween manipulatives.

Practicing our new Halloween vocabulary with this memory game.

The afternoon class exploring the lacing cards.

Creating skeletons, Halloween pictures and making patterns.

Waiting patiently for our turn.

Practicing to print our names on the iPad with Mme Scarpino.

We spent more time outdoors this week.  The children went on a scavenger hunt to try and find some of these fall related things in our school yard.

We found coniferous trees (les conifères).

Pine cones.

Les pommes de pins.

A tree with no leaves.

Une feuille jaune (yellow leaf).

Une feuille brune (brown leaf).


Le gazon (grass).

Trees with leaves.

There is a bird perched up on the pole.

And the morning class even found two squirrels playing on this tree.

Halloween Vocabulary!

The boys and girls are invited to practice the new Halloween vocabulary along with Mme Godin.


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The boys and girls may wear their Halloween costumes to school on Wednesday,
October 31st.  NO WEAPONS PLEASE! 

The children will also be participating in special Halloween centres and games. The morning class will be doing some of these activities on Tuesday as they have Library and Phys. Ed. on Wednesday which does not leave us lots of extra time.

I will also take the morning class on a mini costume parade to some of the other classrooms in our school on Wednesday morning. The afternoon class will participate in a costume parade in the gym during the afternoon.

Due to multiple allergies and food intolerances in the classroom, students will bring their regular snacks from home for all special activity days.  THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING!


Mme Godin

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Show and Tell! - Montre et raconte!

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Just a reminder that Show and Tell takes place every week.  A lot of children did not bring an object to share this week.  The schedule is as follows...

Every Monday - group 1
Every Tuesday - group 2
Every Wednesday - group 3
Every Thursday -group 4


Group 1:  Francis, Judah, Kira, Deborah, Mackenzie
Group 2:  Philip, Owen, Keira G., Ella, Alex
Group 3:  Magnus, Ethan, Luke, Keira P., Angie
Group 4:  Pearl, Olivia, Nethra, Kyllie, Francesca


Group 1:  Micah, Jacob, Nicholas, Joy, Nieve, Lexine
Group 2:  Callun, David, Trixie, Moira, Hannah W.
Group 3:  Noah, Grayson, Sadie, Ysa, Paige
Group 4:  Lei, Valentina, Hannah N., Rowan, Sophia

Please remember, no pets, electronic devices (iPads, iPods, etc.) or anything valuable as they may become lost or broken.  YOUR CHILD SHOULD ONLY BRING ONE ITEM AND ONLY ON SHOW AND TELL DAY!

Due to the large amount of children in each group, if your child is absent or forgets his/her Show and Tell, he/she will have to wait until the following week to bring an item to school.  Thank you for understanding.

Class Photos and Proofs!

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All of the students will be receiving a class photo in their ziplock bags today.  The class photos are free of charge and are yours to keep.

Please read the information enclosed in the envelope, if you are interested in ordering photos of your child.  ALL ORDERS ARE DUE BY OCTOBER 30TH!!!

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Important Dates!

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Monday, October 22nd:  Music for the afternoon class.

Tuesday, October 23rd:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Wednesday, October 24th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Thursday, October 25th:  Music for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!

Friday, October 26th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

This Week in Kindergarten!

Another short but very busy week in kindergarten.  We started off the week tracing and printing curves.

We also practiced repeating a new French poem called "Bleu".

I explained to the boys and girls how to complete the two pages in our colour booklet.

And then the children were hard at work at their tables following the instructions that Mme Godin had given.

Practicing to name the colours in French.

All of the children have the chance to play math games and practice fine motor skills with our Educational Assistant, Mme Scarpino.

The afternoon class' fall trees.

The morning class' fall trees.

Building with the large Lego.

Trains, trucks and airplanes.

Insect Jenga.

Making change at the grocery store.

Mme Godin took out a few new toys this week.  The children have really enjoyed creating with the magnetic tiles.

Playing a colour game.

And a colour and shape game.

We spent some time outside again today.  The afternoon class even had some extra play time by themselves on the big structure.  The morning class had Phys. Ed. so we didn't have enough time for extra play but we will next week.

Everyone was so excited to have the structure all to ourselves.

What a beautiful fall day.

And another week in kindergarten is over.  Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, October 19th is an inservice day!

Monday, 15 October 2018

Comment ça va? - How are you feeling?

Mme Godin asks the boys and girls every day how they are feeling.

Les couleurs!

The boys and girls are practicing to learn the colours in French.  You may use this slideshow to help your child practice along at home.

Friday, 12 October 2018

September vocabulary!

Please take some time over the next few weeks to practice these new French words that we are learning in class.

Important Dates!

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Monday, October 15th:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Tuesday, October 16th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.
Early dismissal at 2:45 p.m.

Wednesday, October 17th:  Music for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!
Mme Godin is attending an Emergent Literacy PD session today.  Mme Pegler is the substitute teacher.

Thursday, October 18th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Friday, October 19th:  MTS Professional Development Day! (Inservice - No school for the students)

I will be attending numeracy workshops today.  My first session is Enhancing Thinking, Empowering Communication and my second session is Math Everywhere!

This Week in Kindergarten!

What a beautiful turkey the kindergarten students surprised me with upon my return from my compassionate leave!

The boys and girls all did a great job decorating their turkey feathers.

Sorting objects according to colours on the SMARTboard (jaune, rouge, bleu, vert).

Practicing to trace horizontal lines.

We also traced over curves (les courbes).

This week we started Discovery Bins.

There are a variety of materials at each of the four group tables in the classroom.

This keeps the children engaged in a fun activity even before announcements and O, Canada!

By the end of the week the students will have completed all 4 tasks.

The boys and girls used their imaginations to create many interesting things with these special connecting lines and curves.

Making trees and counting leaves.

Number tangrams.

Small wooden cubes.

The afternoon class creating objects.

They even made lines and trees with the small branches.

We also learn to share materials during discovery time.

I will change the materials at the tables every few weeks.

Another week, hard at play!

The children enjoy the marble maze runs.

The kitchen area continues to be a popular center.

And more creative play at the art table.

Practicing to name the number of dots on the die without having to count them.

The first step was to print their names at the bottom of the paper.

The second step was to draw a tree without leaves.

The third step was to colour the tree with a brown marker.  The final step was to add leaves with sponges dipped in yellow, orange and red paint.  I will add photos of the completed art work next week.

We took advantage of the nice weather to explore our outdoor classroom and look for signs of fall.  We discovered that the leaves were falling from the trees.

Some trees had no leaves.

Some homes were decorated for Halloween!  Another sign that it is fall (l'automne).

Les groupes 1 et 2 sitting in our outdoor classroom.

Les groupes 3 et 4 getting ready to have a discussion about fall.

We also took some time to play in the leaves.

Les groupes 1 et 2.

Les groupes 3 et 4.

We sang a song about l'automne (fall).  I will try to record the children singing outside next week.

And another very busy week is done in kindergarten!!!