Friday, 26 January 2018

Important Dates!

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Monday, January 29th:  Music for the afternoon class.

Tuesday, January 30th:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Literacy Day! - The boys and girls will be participating in a variety of literacy based activities throughout the school.

Wednesday, January 31st:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.
Learning Through the Arts for both the morning and afternoon class.  This term we will be welcoming Donna Garofalo who is a ceramic artist.  

Thursday, February 1st:  Music for the afternoon class.
Letter Day!  The boys and girls may wear a shirt with writing on it.
The pink Hearts with an Act of Kindness are due back today!

Friday, February 2nd:  Inservice (No school for the students today!)

This Week in Kindergarten!

This week I left a few new provocations set up in the classroom.  The students were asked if they could create a snowflake.

They could also create snowflakes by rubbing wax crayons over snowflake templates.

Many beautiful snowflakes were created!  One little girl decided that it would be fun to make her name using the materials at this center.  Very creative!

The boys and girls really enjoyed discovering the beautiful snowflakes after rubbing a wax crayon over the paper.  "It was like magic" one of the students said.

Printing the letter M.

Exploring tally marks.

The children practiced printing the number 5.

How many?

A guessing game on the number line.  One of the children told me a number (quietly so no one could hear) and the rest of the class took turns guessing the number.  I would ask the child who picked the number if the number that his/her friend picked was plus que (more than) or moins que (less than) the correct number.  There is a stick on the number 9 and a stick on the number 5 so the children guessing know that it is bigger than 5 and smaller than 9.

Playing insect jenga with a friend.

I believe these boys built a rocket ship.

Building with small wooden blocks.

Ordering boxes by size to build a castle.

Friday, 19 January 2018

Important Dates!

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Monday, January 22nd:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Tuesday, January 23rd:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.
Early dismissal at 2:45 p.m.

Wednesday, January 24th:  Music for the morning class.
There will be a substitute teacher for the first two periods of the morning class as I am attending an Integrated Arts planning meeting.

Thursday, January 25th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!
There will be a substitute teacher for the afternoon class as I am attending a Kindergarten Play-Based Learning workshop.

Friday, January 26th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.
Fuzzy Buddy Day!  The boys and girls may wear pyjamas to school today.  They may also bring a stuffed animal.  Please make sure that the stuffy is small enough to fit in your child's backpack.

This Week in Kindergarten!

This week's Discovery Bins, included, a winter themed memory game.
Memory games are a great way to practice new French vocabulary!

Another group of children played the alphabet game that I introduced last week as a large group activity.

Taking turns and helping our friends name the letters of the alphabet in French.

A penguin math game.

The first player to fill his ice block with ten penguins wins the game.

Strengthening our fine motor skills by picking up tiny wooden cubes and placing them on top of the matching cubes on the cards.

The students made many beautiful designs.

Circling the core (le motif) of the pattern (la régularité).

The morning class playing "Bingo d'hiver".

Introducing a new math problem to the whole class with mitten manipulatives.  The children are learning different ways of making the number 5 ( 5 blue mittens and 0 red mittens is the same as 5, 4 blue mittens and 1 red mitten is the same as 5).  We will continue to explore this problem as a whole group and early next week the children will demonstrate their learning to me individually.

Printing the number that comes after a given number.

Circling the core (le motif) of a pattern (la régularité).

The boys and girls are hard at work counting the buttons on the snowmen.

Earlier this week, the children completed the colour "blanc" in their colour booklets.  They made "le nuage blanc" ( a white cloud).

We have been learning positional words in French (sur, sous, dans, devant, derrière, à côté de)  - on, under, in, in front of, behind, beside.

Storybook characters playing together on Friday.

Sandbox birthday cakes.

So much crafting and artwork.

A special creation on the light cube.

Today's guest reader was Mme Heather.  She is a librarian at "la DREF" which is a special library at the University of St. Boniface for teachers.  Can you guess which storybook character she was?

Mme Heather read three books to the morning class and three books to the afternoon class as well.

We also listened to some stories on the SMARTboard.

What a fun way to the end the week!  Don't forget next Friday is "Fuzzy Buddy" day!

The boys and girls may wear their pyjamas and bring a stuffed animal to school on Friday, January 26th!  Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!!!

Winter Vocabulary!

Please take some time over the next few weeks to practice the new winter vocabulary.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Storybook Character Day!

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Friday, January 19th is Storybook Character Day at École Assiniboine.  Children are invited to dress up as a favourite storybook character.  More information regarding I Love To Read month will be in your child's ziplock bag today.

Mme Godin

Friday, 12 January 2018


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The morning class did not sign out new library books on Friday as the librarian was sick.  They went up to the library to listen to stories but were unable to borrow a book.

Important Dates!

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Monday, January 15th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Tuesday, January 16th:  Music for the morning class.

Wednesday, January 17th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!

Thursday, January 18th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Friday, January 19th:  Music for the afternoon class.

This Week In Kindergarten!

Back at work, after the winter break!  We played a fun alphabet game.  The boys and girls had to find the letter Z before picking up a star.  If we picked a star card we had to take all of the counters off the board and start again.

Counting snowflakes.

Making a special pattern to build a snow fort.

We watched a short video clip about Paul and Suzanne's winter adventures. 

Practicing to name the new winter vocabulary in French.

Printing and erasing specific numbers.

Practicing to print the letter H.

Adding the correct amount of circles to the ten frames.

Printing the number 4 in our number booklets.
Extending patterns with our Educational Assistant Mme Catellier.
Cutting carefully along the lines.
Reviewing the shapes and colours in French on the SMARTboard,
Constable Alana came to read to the morning class as part of "I Love to Read" month.  She visited the afternoon class at Halloween time to go over safety rules.

 She read a very funny book about the case of the missing donut.  Constable Alana works in our school division.  She will be coming to visit both the morning and afternoon kindergarten classes in the spring to talk about her job in our community.

The afternoon class played a winter themed Bingo to practice our new winter vocabulary.

Re-connecting with friends after the winter break.

The boys and girls were very busy at the craft table.

Creating and testing out the marble runs.

Playing in the house area.

Mme Jean Burnett came to read to the afternoon class.

She read us a book about a little penguin who was very cold.

We also listened to a few stories on the SMARTboard.  As you can see it was a very busy first week back at school!