Monday, 30 October 2017

Colder Weather!

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Just a reminder that the kindergarten students have recess every day.  Morning recess is from 9:55 to 10:10 a.m. and afternoon recess is from 1:45 to 2:00 p.m.
Please make sure that your child is dressed according to the weather, toques, mittens, boots, etc.
Also, please help your child further develop independence by having him/her dress  independently.  Take some time to practice at home if needed.  Your child should know how to put his/her arms in the sleeves of his/her jacket without someone holding the jacket.  They should also know how to fix sleeves that are inside out.  Have your child practice putting on and removing his/her boots.  They should also be able to get their snow pants over the top of their boots.  Remind your child that the last thing they put on are their mittens as it is difficult to dress yourself with mittens on.
Mme Godin is happy to start up zippers and tie scarves as these can be tricky at times.  Remember that one of the kindergarten learning outcomes is to develop independence in your child.
Please label all items of clothing as many children have the same toques, snow pants, boots, mittens, etc.

Mme Godin

Friday, 27 October 2017

Important Dates!

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Monday, October 30th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Tuesday, October 31st:  Music class is cancelled due to the Halloween costume parade.

Wednesday, November 1st:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Thursday, November 2nd:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Friday, November 3rd:  Music for the morning class.

This Week in Kindergarten!

This week's Discovery Bins included Halloween puzzles.
Mirrors and Halloween manipulatives. Some children made patterns, designs and even skeletons.
Eyeballs and ten frame ice cube trays
Halloween lacing cards.
The afternoon class counting the amount of dots on the plastic eyeballs and placing them on top of the correct number.
Sorting and making patterns with Halloween manipulatives.
Friends helping each other out putting together puzzles.

Using wooden lines and curves to make letters.  We use two big curves (grandes courbes) to make the letter O.
We use 1 big line (grande ligne) and 2 small lines (petites lignes) to make the letter F.
Then we practiced making the letter L with our special magna doodles.
"Grande ligne et petite ligne" to make the letter L.
The boys and girls also practiced printing the letter L in their printing booklets.
Placing our friends in order from smallest to biggest.
We also placed the pumpkins in order from smallest (le plus petit) to the biggest (le plus grand).
The children cut and put the jack'o'lanterns in order from smallest to biggest.
We are getting very good at cutting.
Making Halloween patterns.
Naming numbers in French.
Mme Pam has been teaching us about sharing our thoughts and being respectful listeners during Sharing Circles.  Ask your child to tell you about the book" Stick and Stone" that Pam read to us.  It is about 2 special friends.
Trying to see if our marble maze will work.
A square turned into 2 triangles.
Making a pretend birthday cake.
More birthday cakes.
Halloween stickers at the craft table.

Thursday, 26 October 2017


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The boys and girls may wear their Halloween costumes to school on Tuesday, October 31st.

Please no weapons or plastic princess shoes as we will be doing special activities after recess.  There will be students from grade 5 helping us with our special Halloween games.

I will also take the morning class on a mini costume parade in the grade 1 to 5 classrooms.  The afternoon class will participate in a costume parade in the gym at 2:15 p.m. 
Any students from the morning class wishing to attend the afternoon costume parade may join us with a parent in the gym at 2:15 p.m.

Due to multiple allergies and food intolerances in the classroom, students will bring their regular snacks from home for our Halloween party.  THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING!

Please continue to check labels and to send healthy foods to school for snack (no suckers, chocolate bars or other Halloween candy).

Mme Godin

Class Photos!

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All of the students will be receiving a class photo in their ziplock bags today.  The class photos are free of charge and are yours to keep!

Halloween Vocabulary!

Please take some time over the next few weeks to practice the new Halloween vocabulary that we are learning in class.

Friday, 20 October 2017

Important Dates!

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Monday, October 23rd:  Music for the afternoon class.

Tuesday, October 24th:  Library for the morning class. Please return all library books!
Phys.Ed. for the morning class.

Wednesday, October 25th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon class.

Thursday, October 26th:  Music for the morning class.

Friday, October 27th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!

This Week in KIndergarten!

I do not have very many photos to share this week as I was attending workshops on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
We have started to learn Halloween vocabulary.
The afternoon class circling pictures of things they found on their nature walk.
The boys and girls completed yellow in their colour booklets.
Some of the children have been exploring the K'Nex.
Another Lego creation.
And a final photo of Play Time this week!

Friday, 13 October 2017

Important Dates!

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Monday, October 16th:  Library for the morning class.  Please return all library books!
Phys. Ed. for the morning class.

Tuesday, October 17th:  Phys. Ed. for the afternoon.
Early Dismissal at 2:45 p.m.

Wednesday, October 18th:  Music for the morning class.
Mme Godin is attending a Kindergarten Literacy and Play-Based Learning workshop today.
Mme Pegler will be the substitute teacher.

Thursday, October 19th:  Phys. Ed. for the morning class.
Library for the afternoon class.  Please return all library books!
Mme Godin is attending another workshop today...Physical Literacy in a Nature Rich Environment.
Mme Pegler will be the substitute teacher.

Friday, October 20th:  MTS Professional Development Day (No school for students! - INSERVICE DAY)

This Week in Kindergarten!

This week's Discovery Bins included, a dinosaur colour game.  The children are learning to take turns and practicing to name the colours in French.
The children were given Math manipulatives and ten frames. 
This group was practicing to strengthen their fine motor skills with tweezers and pompoms.  Some of the children used dice to see how many pompoms they should put in the ice cube trays.
Using our imagination and creating structures with foam blocks.
Some of the materials at the tables are open-ended.  This little girl made the number ten out of rocks.
This little boy used a die to fill up his ten frame with leaves.
Another child was creating a pattern with her pompoms.
Hard at work in our colour booklets.
Practicing to use scissors correctly.
Drawing and colouring a tree.
The children used a Q-tip paintbrush to add fall leaves to their trees.
Sorting objects according to colours on the SMARTboard.
The afternoon class' trees.
The morning class' trees.
Extending our sorting skills during play time.
Making sets of objects that are the same.
Playing a different colour game with a friend.
A very busy construction site.
A police officer, pilot and firefighter.
Creating many fun things with the large lego.
This morning some of the children wanted telephones during imaginative play.  So Mme Godin, found her cell phone and the children made phones of their own.