Sunday, 27 August 2017

Welcome To Our Classroom!

This is our school - École Assiniboine.  The boys and girls who take the school bus or come to school with Mom or Dad will line up on the pavement at the back of the school behind the number 12. The number 12 will either be painted on the pavement or on an orange cone.  We will also line up at this same spot after recess.  When the bell rings, Mme Godin will come get you and we will all walk to the classroom together.  The children from Assiniboine Children's Centre will walk to the classroom with the daycare staff at the start of the day and will be picked up at the classroom door at the end of the day.

Welcome to the afternoon kindergarten superheroes (there are a few names missing from this photo as I only received my updated class list on Friday.  I will add the other names this week)!
Welcome to the morning kindergarten superheroes!
Mme Godin's classroom is room number 12.
You will find your name on one of the cubbies when you come meet me during Opening Day conferences.  This is where you will hang up your jacket and backpack.  You will also put your outdoor shoes on the black trays under the cubbies.  Your indoor shoes will be kept in one of the slots above the hooks.
Everyone will have their own square to sit on during carpet time activities.
You will also find your name on one of the four round tables in the classroom. This is where you will work and eat your snack.
We also have our own bathroom in the classroom as well as a new water fountain.
We will do many group activities at the calendar.
We will start off the day at the SMARTboard singing songs, playing games and learning new French words.
There is a sandbox as well as a water table in the room.
We have small lego and lots of bigger lego in bins.
A beautiful wooden dollhouse is waiting to be played with.
A store and cash register.
The house area.
There is also a large bin of dress up clothes.
Lots and lots of wooden blocks as well as a work bench.
A puppet theatre with many different puppets.
This is our classroom tree.  You will get to see many changes occur to our tree during the four seasons and holidays.
There are also many other toys.
And many new games to explore.
There is a brand new light cube, a craft table, playdoh centre, reading centre and many more things to discover when you will begin school in September.  I am looking forward to meeting all of you!  Enjoy the last week of summer holidays!!!

Monday, 14 August 2017

Welcome To Kindergarten!

*image found at

Bonjour and welcome to kindergarten!  Thank you so much for visiting my blog.  I am delighted to make further contact with all of my students and their families through this site. Please log on frequently throughout the school year as I will be sharing many of the fun and exciting things that take place in kindergarten.

Remember if ever you have any questions or concerns give me a call at 204-885-2216 or send me an email at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mme Godin

Welcome To Kindergarten 2017-2018!


My name is Mme Godin and I am very excited to be your teacher this year!  I have been busy getting the classroom ready for all of my new friends.  I can't wait to meet you and begin a fun-filled year together!

See you in September!

Bonjour et bienvenue à...

MORNING KINDERGARTEN:  Ada, Kateryna, Ashur, Rebecca, Billy, Praise, Myles, Jaxon, Francine, Jayden, Camryn, Isabella, Blai, Connor, Dorion, Clark, Dean, Sebastian et Victoria.

AFTERNOON KINDERGARTEN:  Aila, Audric, Nate, Emily, Jesse, Matea, Winston, Alia, Elijah, Brent, Danica, Coral, Mathilde, Mason, Isaac, Eli, Princess et Danica B.